Miscellaneous Galleries
The visuals in this gallery have been grouped into 5 categories. Click on the sample thumbnail sketch to view all of the images in any category.
Bendlerblock. The execution site of the conspirators in Hitler's asassination attempt. (7 photographs) Bobigny station. This train station was used to transport French Jews imprisoned at Drancy to Auschwitz. (4 photographs) Plötzensee Memorial Center. This center, located in Berlin, marks the execution place of over 2,500 victims of the Third Reich judiciary. (12 photographs) Warsaw Jewish Cemetery. This neglected cemetery was founded in 1806 and contains over 100,000 tombstones. (17 photographs) The White Rose. The White Rose was the name of a Munich student group which opposed the Nazi regime. Members of this group produced and distributed resistance literature and paid for their actions with their lives. (19 photographs)
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College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.